Generate, store and consume electricity yourself
The TEP photovoltaic home power plant enables a decentralized energy supply on the roof or facade of your own home or residential area. This means you benefit from greater sustainability and lower energy costs. You generate electricity with the photovoltaic system and store it in a battery storage system until you need it. This makes you less dependent on energy suppliers and ever-increasing electricity costs. On an annual average, you can generate up to 70 % of your electricity yourself. On sunny days, depending on consumption, this could even be up to 100 %. By integrating electromobility applications or smart home technologies, you can further increase the proportion of self-consumption. Depending on the local feed-in conditions of the energy provider, you can also feed additional surplus electricity into the grid.
For the realization of your photovoltaic home power plant, TEP relies on the highest safety standards and uses glass-glass solar module technology as well as products and technology “Made-in-Germany”.
Services of the TEP team
- Recording of current energy requirements and analysis of current energy consumption and energy consumers
- Determining the size of the photovoltaic system
- Design of the battery storage system
- Preparation of a profitability forecast
- Installation and commissioning of the system by the TEP installation team
- System and device monitoring by the TEP service team
- Maintenance and services
Functionalities TEP photovoltaic home power plant
- Integration of electrical and thermal consumers (hot water preparation)
- Intelligent energy management and evaluation tool
- The evaluation overview shows the energy balance for a desired time period. It enables analyses of generation, consumption and self-consumption as well as battery usage
- The consumption balance provides an overview of the operating time, duration and, if used, the consumption of the automatically controlled devices in the energy management system as well as the energy mix of solar energy, battery use and grid power consumption used in the process
- Emergency power supply in the event of a power failure
- Preparing for electromobility
TEP is a certified installer for battery storage systems
TEP personnel, qualified and certified by battery system manufacturers such as E3/DC GmbH and sonnen GmbH, are able to guarantee professional planning, installation and safe commissioning of battery systems. TEP supplies customized battery system solutions for residential, commercial and industrial applications.